La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas
La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas

La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas

Goytisolo refuses to pigeonhole the text, and I'll go along with that choice. Though the text presents itself in acts and many consider it to be a (failed) play for the stage, others, including Moore, view the work as the first novel in dialogue. It appears, however, that in Spain everyone reads this along with Lazarillo de Tormes and Don Quixote.

La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas

I came upon this title in Steven Moore's very informative survey The Novel: An Alternative History: Beginnings to 1600. There is no wonder, then, that as of 2002, there has been no critical edition of this text in Spanish, since it is apparently difficult to decide in all cases which additions are Rojas' and which have been added by the publishers. In fact, many of the subsequent new editions during the author's lifetime had additions of some sort or other. In 1502 appeared a version with 21 "acts" and further additions.

La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas

1465/76 - 1541), a son of Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity. In 1499 appeared the first 16 "acts" of the Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, now better known as La Celestina, a work that Juan Goytisolo called "Spanish literature's most audacious and subversive work" in his excellent article celebrating the 500th anniversary of the text's publication.(*)įirst published anonymously, then again with the author's name in acrostics, it was eventually revealed that the author was the still quite young Fernando de Rojas (c. Incluye el texto más completo de La Celestina, en toda la gloriosa belleza de su puro castellano medieval/renacentista un asimismo exhaustivo aparato filológico de notas que considera las principales ediciones los argumentos de cada uno de sus actos y sus respectivas viñetas (de la edición de Sevilla, en 1502), que son un deleite añadido, en especial las que ilustran el violento fin de los personajes. Trotter) es la mejor que imaginarse pueda. Ciertamente, es un verdugo cruel e inexorable en el horizonte del libro.Įsta edición crítica (por M. Sus amantes protagonistas, ambos honestos en sus intenciones por encima de sus propios defectos, son víctimas de la codicia y mezquindad de los hombres, y la vieja alcahueta que los une todo un símbolo de lo maleable y perecible que puede ser el amor en este mundo. Fernando de Rojas teje una trama envolvente en su apreciación vívida de una realidad con todos sus niveles de complejidad, desde lo obsceno hasta lo sublime, desde lo vulgar hasta lo poético, desde lo falso de la hipocresía hasta la verdad de la muerte. La Celestina es un texto apasionante, una obra de teatro novelesca, o una novela teatral, tan importante para la literatura en nuestro idioma como el Robinson Crusoe de Defoe lo es para la inglesa, por ejemplo.

La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas