The innocent mage
The innocent mage

Though he eventually starts picking up a better way of speaking, that is so gradual the reader barely picks up on it, until someone comments on it to Asher. He also speaks with what the fancy people of Dorana think is slang and bad grammar, along with a horrible accent. Asher has quite the sassy attitude he takes no back-talking and has a quick temper. Asher has the regular Olken look with curly dark hair and a shorter, study structure. When in a year, he was rich, he would come back to his house, buy his dad a good fishing boat, and leave his brothers in the dust. Asher decided to leave his family to earn some more money in the capital city. He is a young 19-year-old Olken fisherman from Resthaven who shared his house with his 7 older brothers and his father. His corn-silk hair, as long as a girl’s, was caught in a tail at the nape of his neck” (Miller 23). Prince Gar proves them wrong with the help of his closest friend, Asher.“The approaching prince looked as well bred as his horse. who only wants justice, and looks like the perfect Dorean, except without magic that everyone thinks he needs. Overall, Gar is a very peace loving and kind prince. In the book, the death of Timon Spake for breaking Barl’s First Law is one that Gar wishes to speak against, though can’t because he know there is nothing he can do.

the innocent mage

Gar also has a harsh temper, especially when something is against what he believes in, or his sister picks a fight with him. Since he is a part of the Privy Council and sees how they treat the Olken, he showed his justly and fair side and decided to do something about it. He became Olken Administrator to help his father, who is tired from weather-working, and to see justice is given to the other race, despite not having magic. Prince Gar has a very kind and helpful spirit, unlike one is expected from a prince. And like all Dorean, carries the aura of being untouchable and separate from the Olken, though this may be due to the fact that he is a prince.

the innocent mage

His has long blond hair that is often pulled back in a ponytail and has the long limbs that place him slightly above the other Olken. Other than the loss of magic, Gar is the typical Dorean. There is no point in being King if you can’t have magic for weather-working, the control of all the weather inside the Wall. The one job the child of the King has to do is have magic. And even a few brave one that whisper Gar the Disgrace. This is also due to the fact that even the lowest commoner talk behind his back about him. With a sibling that always belittles and berates him about not having magic, which is something all Dorean have, Gar come to terms with his feelings of being looked down upon and feeling inferior.

the innocent mage

The eldest child of the King of Lur and Olken Administrator, Prince Gar has to keep a neutral position and expression, especially when it comes to court, or his sister.

The innocent mage